Sunday, December 9, 2007

the Vine

the first order of business was to take down all the vine that had grown over in a years time. it was actually working it was into the house! it reminded me of story, "the Ruins" by Scott Smith. an excellent read from the author of " A Simple Plan".


Monica Himmel said...

King of the Jungle. Actually reminds me of The Secret Garden (the book). Find any bee's?

Judy Ruppel said...

Love the little house and am glad you are going to remodel it. We have an organization here called MOD that is trying to save 50's and 60's houses like yours. Keep the pictures coming.

Unknown said...

Hey, you know what? It's a good start.

McKitty said...

YAY! This is going to be SOOOO awesome! The vines also remind me of that scene in Creepshow...the one with Stephen King...