whew, tons of dirt (literally) and 7000 pounds of crushed gravel later. man, who would have known what a task this was going to be. i actually got a little "tennis elbow" from all the pick-axing but as always when you're done you forget how hard it was. a little green around the edges and it'll be very nice.
A Zen Garden, how neat!!!
Robh what is the orange to the left? I can't find it in the other pictures. That little house is really being loved. Not enough older homes are renewed. Way to go!!
Still really looking forward to seeing it :) Perhaps a classic wooden hot tub somewhere in the Japanese midst?
Holy cow, that is -awesome-! I see pictures of gardens like this but I have never actually known someone who could plan and execute something like this.
The whole house project is just stunning.
Whats your next addition? Been checking periodically ... Showed your blog to some friends and they think the house looks amazing! (before/after shots)
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